Spiritual Island, Sacred Sanctuary

Each Sunday at 10:30, St. Margaret of Scotland welcomes all, no matter where you are on life's journey.The Service may vary, but is always rich with content and music.

* Visiting clergy conduct Holy Eucharist services, or

* Our island Lay Minister will provide Liturgy of the Word Service, or

* Community members will lead us in Morning Prayer service

Always with music...organ music with master organist Edward Norman, or accomplished pianists Will Guthrie, Pat Pilate, Dawn Goodman. oin us....ALL are welcome at St. Margaret's.

St. Margaret of Scotland
A welcoming community
Although Anglican in its structure and name, St. Margaret's is the only Church on Galiano.
And so we welcome Christians at all points in their spiritual journey. And we welcome Christians of all faiths. whether you are Anglican, Lutheran, Catholic or Baptist or any other faith. We worship together and forge friendships at St. Margaret's Church.  Whoever you are, whatever brought you here, you  are sure to feel at home.
Join us...you are certain to find a welcoming community!.
Supporting the work of St. Margaret's Church

Work at St. Margaret's Church includes many services in our small community: from the initiation and support of our island's Food Bank, from Financial assistance to those in need through Galiano Helps, to the Cemetery support and care of our Heritage Church. 

You can specify a gift to the Church for all its work, or a particular outreach in the Community: the Food Bank, the Cemetery, or Galiano Helps. 

You can donate directly through Canada Helps 

You can also donated directly with a  cheque made out to St. Margaret of Scotland, 300 Burrill Road, Galiano

Or you can etransfer treasurer@stmargaretsgaliano.com

Canada Helps
A Church Community for You
St. Margaret's Church has a warm and welcoming community

St. Margaret's is a warm and welcoming community of islanders. We gather often for food and friendship, whether a summer picnic, soup and cinema, pancake brunch or jusst coffee and cakes after Sunday services. 

Please come by our service and find out what is happening at St. Margaret's Church.

In this Time of Change ... A prayer that reflects our positive future!
Our message for uncertain times ...

Merciful God,

In the stillness of our souls we listen for your voice to know again that you are God.  Quiet our restless hearts with the knowledge that you are near us, keeping watch over your own.  

Our Church is undergoing change, like many communities around our Province and Country....but our wonderful congregation creates hope and help in our community, for new and positive change.

Rekindle our faith and light the lamp of hope within our hearts.  Then take us by the hand into this day that lies ahead, for where you lead we can confidently go with Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.