We are very blessed at St Margaret's! While our heritage church on Galiano is small, our congregation is blessed with fabulous musicians. Come join us for worship and music.

Edward Norman

Edward Norman studied at the Royal College of Music, London, and later at the University of British Columbia. He was for many years organist with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and the Vancouver Bach Choir, and has been frequently on CBC radio.

Ed has held major church music positions in the US and Canada and now we are fortunate to have him at St. Margaret's.


Dawn Goodman

Dawn likes to use her music skills to benefit others.  She plays in several churches and seniors' homes.

Only when she has committed herself to play somewhere is she motivated to practice! She studied piano for many years as a child and has recently learned the tenor recorder.

We are pleased to have her join us at St. Margaret's as a member of the congregation and accompaniest to our singing.

Will Guthrie

Will Guthrie has been a part of St. Margaret's Church for more years than we can remember! He has provided many years of beautiful piano accompaniment to our services, for which we are very grateful.